Do you think UC will make the NCAA Tournament?

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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Played Hard But Fell Short

The Bearcats new what was on the line for them when they played Villanova at home Tuesday night. It was their tournament lives that were on the line. They were tied at halftime 31-31 with the number 9 team in the nation. The Bearcats were struggling from the three point line only shooting 7-31. The Bearcats came out extremely flat in the second half and ended up going down by fifteen at one point. But there was no quit in the Bearcats. The Bearcats kept fighting and cut the lead to 2 points with 3.4 seconds left in the game. The comeback was due mostly to Jaquan Parker. A freshman from Virginia. He scored five straight points to make it a game again then Deonta Vaughn hit a three to get it even closer to five points with 7 seconds to go. On the insuing in bound Villanova traveled turning it over to the Bearcats. Then Rashad Bishop hit a three making it a two point game. They then fouled Scottie Reynolds who iced the game with two big free throws. The loss crushes the Bearcats. But they are not done yet. They have one game left at Georgetown and the Big East tournament. If they could win some games they could stir the NCAA tournament selection up.

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